Humanure revisited

Back in 2012, I was extolling the virtues of composting toilets. Our adventures with humanure have continued as… well… our first digestion box filled to the brim with goodness and the dear, brimful yellow buckets started proliferating again.

Proliferating yellow buckets

Proliferating yellow buckets

This state of affairs continued until we were faced with the prospect of no more empty buckets… And that rather motivated these girls to take action!

Not having a handyman handy (like last time), we reverted to our favourite mantra: “What if it’s easy?” Looking around, we found the ingredients we needed: Some of Pedro’s pallets, and some blue nylon string saved from the straw bales now firmly sealed inside the walls of our living space. That’s all it took to cobble together a fine new humanure digestion station down by the wood shed, and within an hour, the yellow buckets were decanted, the huge pile of freshly scythed nettles and brambles were snugly layered between each packet of goodness and the thermometer was victoriously perched on top of the pile.

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Half an hour later and we were again the happy possessors of a row of clean, empty yellow buckets, waiting ready to receive new goodness. Time for a cup of tea and one of Chrisje’s sweet treats…

Another few months' peace of mind!

Another few months’ peace of mind!


About iyeshe

Woman returning to the wild. Cunning linguist, mother of twins, witch, host, harvester, spaceholder for the dawning Aquarian age, evolutionary wooden-spoon wielder, self-mitigating carbon footprint, wannabe holon in the forthcoming collective buddha...
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  1. Pingback: It’s an ill wind… and plastic has its uses | Dorpsstraat

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